@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004163, author = {川上, 正浩 and 辻, 弘美}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 本研究では, Navon 課題をひらがなに適用してひらがな Navon 課題を作成し, Global 反応課 題, Local 反応課題における干渉の生起について吟味した。この際, Global 文字と Local 文字との類 似性について形態レベル,音韻レベルで、操作を行い,この形態,音韻レベルで、の類似が,干渉の程度 にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを検討した。大学生 46 名を対象とした実験の結果,Global 反応を行 う際には,無視すべき文字の形態情報は干渉を引き起こすが,音韻情報は影響を及ぼさないことが示 された。一方, Local 反応を行う際には,無視すべき文字の音韻情報も影響を及ぼすことが示された。 すなわち Local 反応には, Global 文字が担う形態情報,音韻情報が干渉することが示された。, This paper addresses differences in responses to the Navon task in reading Japanese hiragana characters. We devised the hiragana reading tasks for global and local features drawing on Navon (1977). Differences in participants' latency for the global response and the local response were examined as a function of figurative and phonological fea­ tures of the global local stimuli combinations. For the global response task,the response to the figuratively similar trials were much slower than for both the vowel and consonant match trials as well as for identical trials; however,responses to both the vowel and consonant match trials did not differ from the identical trials. On the other hand,for the local response task,the response to the figurative similar trials,the vowel match and consonant match trials were much slower than for the identical trials. The results indi­ cate that phonological information appeared to have an influence on the tasks that require attending to the local information,but not to the global information.}, pages = {27--34}, title = {ひらがな Navon 課題における 形態・音韻類似性の影響}, volume = {9}, year = {2010}, yomi = {カワカミ, マサヒロ and ツジ, ヒロミ} }