@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004107, author = {鈴木, 朋子 and スズキ, トモコ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要, Research Bulletin of Osaka Shoin Women's University}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 摂食障害の予防教育活動は、わが国では取り組みが少なく、その充実が課題とされている。本研究は、摂食障害の予防教育における「栄養学的アプローチ」に着目し、栄養教育の視点から、予防教育のあり方を検討することを目的とした。研究1 として、摂食障害の予防教育に関する先行研究、および教材の把握を試みた。その結果、摂食障害の予防教育に関する邦文論文の報告は少なく、内容はメディアリテラシー教育や心理教育の視点から計画されたものであった。教材を検討した結果、栄養学的な視点からは、低栄養の予防や健康的な食生活の実践が、摂食障害の予防教育として必要と考えられた。研究2 として、栄養教育で活用できる教材を作成し、女子大学生30 名を対象に、教材の理解や伝わり方に関する調査を行った。作成した教材は、「カルタ」で、健康的な食事や食生活に関する情報を提供するとともに、自分自身の食生活を振り返ることを促す可能性が示唆された。, In Japan, it has been reported that the number of prevention education activities for eating disorders is very limited, and that more are needed. This two part study focused on a nutrition approach to prevention education activities for eating disorders, and examined the role that a nutrition education program can play. In study 1, a literature review was conducted to better understand the state of research on prevention acti- vities for eating disorders. The number of pragmatic studies found was very limited, and these studies were conducted from the viewpoints of media literacy and psychological education. Educational materials on eating disorders were also reviewed. It revealed that the nutrition approach was seen as providing education about 1) preventing malnutrition, and 2) promoting a healthy diet. In study 2, prototypical nutrition education materials, consisting of a Japanese card game called “carta”, were developed. Each of the cards conveyed information about healthy eating and encouraged the users to review their own eating habits. Their usability was explored by 30 female college students. As a result, the educational materials were found to be those which easily understood.}, pages = {215--224}, title = {栄養教育の視点からの摂食障害の予防教育に関する研究 : わが国における実践研究の把握と栄養教育教材の検討}, volume = {7}, year = {2017} }