@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004099, author = {川上, 正浩 and 坂田, 浩之 and 佐久田, 祐子 and 奥田, 亮 and カワカミ, マサヒロ and サカタ, ヒロユキ and サクタ, ユウコ and オクダ, アキラ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学, Research Bulletin of Osaka Shoin Women's University}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 大学生活に対する充実感を感じるためには、学生の大学への帰属感が高まることが重要である(佐久田他,2008)。このため筆者らは、先輩が語るVTR や教員の対談を交えた、特定学科(心理学科)対象の帰属感高揚プログラム『心理学と私』を考案・実施し、その効果を検証してきた(川上他,2010, 2011, 2012a, 2012b)。そしてこのプログラムを、全学学生を対象としたプログラムに拡張し、全学対象帰属感高揚プログラム『大学と私』として考案・実施し、その効果を検証している。たとえば佐久田・奥田・川上・坂田(2014)は特定の学科の先輩が語るVTR(同学科VTR)と、同大学の先輩が語るVTR(同大学VTR)を用いた帰属感高揚プログラムを異なる年度に実施し、それぞれのプログラムに対する参加者の印象評定を調査した。その結果、いずれのVTR 刺激もおおむね変わらず効果をもつことが示された。これらの研究を踏まえ、筆者らはVTR を刷新するなど『大学と私』を改良した。本研究では、この改良した全学対象のプログラムと特定の学科を対象としたプログラムとを、その前後の帰属感や大学生活充実度の変化の観点から比較した。その結果、改良された全学プログラムは、特定学科対象プログラムと同等の帰属感、大学生活充実度高揚の効果を持つことが示された。, Sakuta, Okuda, Kawakami, & Sakata(2008)showed that a sense of identification with the university leads to university life satisfaction. In fostering a sense of identification with the university, we have deve- loped and conducted Identification Boost Program of University named “Psychology and I” for freshman of the Department of Psychology. In this program targeted toward the specific department freshman, we show video clip stimuli to them in which junior and senior students talk about their university life, and three or four academicians from the Department of Psychology talk with each other in front of freshman. We have verified the effectiveness of this program(Kawakami, Okuda, Sakata, & Sakuta, 2010, 2011, 2012a, 2012b). We also expanded the program to all freshman in the university regardless their major, and we have deve- loped and conducted the Identification Boost Program of University named “University and I” for freshman as an university wide program. Like with “Psychology and I”, we have verified the effectiveness of “Univer- sity and I”. For example, in Sakuta, Okuda, Kawakami, & Sakata(2014), we carried out the Identification-Boost Program using message video clips from people in the same majors with the freshman themselves(the same major video clips)and one using message video clips from other students in every majors(the same university video clips)in different years, and we researched the impression of participant freshman to each program. The results showed that either of the video clip stimuli boosted their sense of identification with the university in general. Based on these studies, we improved the program(e.g. improvement of video clips). The present study compared the improved university wide program and the program targeted toward the specific department freshman with a concern in the change of student’s identification with university and university life satisfaction between pre and post programs. There was evidence that showed an university- wide program boost student’s identification with the university as well as the program targeted toward the specific department freshman.}, pages = {21--26}, title = {大学への帰属感を高める全学的教育プログラムの開発}, volume = {7}, year = {2017} }