@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003900, author = {川上, 正浩 and カワカミ, マサヒロ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), Coltheart, Davelaar, Jonasson, & Besner(1977)の研究以来、多くの研究が単語認知に及ぼすneighborhoodsizeの効果を検討してきている。こうした研究を遂行するためのデータベースとして川上(2000a)は、客観的な基準として、Macintosh 版岩波広辞苑第四版(新村出記念財団,1995)を設定し、この辞書に登録されている漢字二字熟語の類似語数をデータベース化している。本研究は、音韻的な特性も重視した実験を実施できるよう、あらためて4拍漢字二字熟語の類似語数に関するデータベースを整備することを目的とする。具体的にはJIS 一種漢字で表記される漢字二字熟語のうち、拗音、促音を含んだ4拍で発音される漢字二字熟語(4拍漢字二字熟語)に焦点を当て、その正書法的類似語数、音韻的類似語数を算出し、データベース化を行った。紙面の都合上、その出現頻度が3,000以上の4拍漢字二字熟語を報告の対象とするが、本稿では、五十音順で読みが"アシモト"から"ジョウレイ"までの4拍漢字二字熟語について、その類似語数を報告する。なお読みがそれ以降("ショクイン"以降)の4拍漢字二字熟語の類似語数については、次報にて報告する。, The process of recognizing printed words has been studied for many years. Recent visual word recognition research suggests that the identification of a word is affected by its similarity to other words. Coltheart, Davelaar, Jonasson, and Besner(1977)defined the neighbor of a word( or any letter string )as any word that can be generated by replacing a single letter from the base string. Many studies have shown that neighborhood size affects visual word recognition. For selecting Japanese stimuli for experiments investigating effects of neighbors, objective database for number of neighbors are needed. This study presents tables of the numbers of orthographic and phonological neighbors for Japanese 4 moraic 2-kanji compounds words. Orthographic neighbors for Japanese 4 moraic 2- kanji compounds words are the words that can be constructed by changing single kanji of the target item preserving kanji positions. Defining orthographic neighbors, the pronunciation of the word was ignored. On the other hand, phonological neighbors for Japanese 4 moraic 2-kanji compounds words are the words that can be constructed by changing single mora of the pronunciation of target item preserving mora positions. Here, defining phonological neighbors, the orthographic script of the word was ignored. Based on the database of Amano & Kondo(2000), the number of orthographic and phonological neighbors were counted. This article reports the number of orthographic and phonological neighbors of Japanese 4 moraic 2-kanji compounds words with frequency of more than 3,000 based on Amano & Kondo(2000). For lack of space, the table was divided into two parts, and this article shows the first part of the result. The second part of the results appears in the next article. The tables may be employed to provide normative data for experimental studies in word recognition using Japanese 4 moraic 2-kanji compounds words.}, pages = {3--14}, title = {4拍漢字二字熟語の類似語数表(1)}, volume = {5}, year = {2015} }