@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003729, author = {石川, 義之 and 小宅, 理沙}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 本稿では、幼少期に身体的虐待を受けた2 名のサバイバーへのインタビュー調査および、民間団体にて虐待の支援にかかわる活動家2 名へのインタビュー調査を紹介する。2名のサバイバーへの調査結果からは、成人後の現在でもなお本人の意思とは無関係に被虐待経験の場面が夢に出てくる、あるいは、困った時でも加害者である両親を頼ることができない、など様々な悪影響などが確認できた。また、2名の活動家へのインタビュー調査からは、被虐待児への援助や介入がなされるための社会資源の貧困さ等、様々な今後の課題が確認できた。, In this report, I introduce the interview investigations of two survivor women with the physically abused experience from their parents and of the two experts who work in a private sector to help the abused children. Survivor woman A are suffering because she still watches the nightmare about the past abused from her parents. Survivor woman B says "I am lonely because I want to never rely on parents who abuse me." Neighboring adults might notice that survivor women A and B were abused. But, both survivor women A and B were not helped by anybody though they are abused from their parents. The teachers of school and experts should give notice of the abused children. From the interview investigations of the two experts, we confirm various problems of the social system and poverty of social resources to protect children.}, pages = {215--223}, title = {身体的虐待を受けたサバイバーと活動家に対するインタビュー調査}, volume = {2}, year = {2012}, yomi = {イシカワ, ヨシユキ and コヤケ, リサ} }