@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003693, author = {保木, 昌徳 and 横谷, 早姫 and 瀧, 奈津江 and 田中愉加利 and 濱田, 佳奈}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 【目的】アスリート、男性、肥満女性、マウスを対象としたVAAM配合のヴァーム(R)(明治乳業株式会社)投与の研究では脂肪燃焼促進効果が報告されている。しかし、若い女性を対象とした検討はなされていないため、今回我々は女子大生におけるヴァーム(R)経口摂取による脂肪燃焼促進効果の検討を行った。【方法】ボランティア学生25名を対象にヴァーム(R)または対照飲料投与後30分に自転車エルゴメーターで持久性運動を負荷した。脂肪燃焼促進作用は呼気ガス分析器(ミナト医科学株式会社)で得られたV4 CO2、V4 O2より、脂肪由来のエネルギー消費量を算出(西の方法)し比較検討を行った。分析にはt検定を用いた。【結果】ヴァーム(R)摂取群と対照飲料摂取群を比較したところ脂肪由来のエネルギー消費量に目立った差は得られなかった。しかし、ヴァーム(R)摂取時、体脂肪率28.0%超(過多)の群において、18.0~28.0%(標準)の群より脂肪由来のエネルギー消費量が有意に高値であった(P<0.05)。, 【Background and purpose】Several studies intended for such as athletes, males, obese females, and mice, which indicate some fatburning effect by oral intake of Vespa amino acid mixture (V.A.A.M) nutritional beverage (VAAMR, Meiji Dairies Co., Ltd)have been reported. However, the study aimed at young women had ever been made, so we examined the effect of promoting fat-burning by oral intake of VAAM®in female university students.【Methods】We burdened endurance-related exercise by a bicycle ergometer for 25 volunteer students 30 minutes after drinking VAAM (R) or control beverage. Fat-burning promotive effects were examined by using energy consumption derived from fat, which were caluculated by measuring V4 CO2 and V4 O2 (Nishi's formula) using expired gas analyzer (Minato Medical Science Co., Ltd.). Statistical analysis was performed using the t test.【Results】There were no significant difference in fat-derived energy consumption between the VAAM (R) intake group and the control beverage intake group. However, at intake VAAM (R), fat-derived energy consumption in obese group which body fat percentage is over 28.0% was significantly higher than that in standard group which its percentage is 18.0 to 28.0% (p<0.05).}, pages = {209--216}, title = {女子大生におけるスズメバチ栄養液組成アミノ酸飲料経口摂取による脂肪燃焼促進作用の検討}, volume = {1}, year = {2011} }