@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003642, author = {辻, 弘美}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 本研究は、乳児の表情の変化を認識する敏感さについて、女子大学生のアタッチメントスタイルとシャイネス度との関連性から検討した。表情変化をとらえる敏感さは、アタッチメントの4 スタイル間で大きな違いが認められなかった一方で、シャイネスの程度に関しては、シャイでないグループはシャイなグループに比べ、より敏感に表情変化を認識することが示された。さらに、これらと年齢と変数とし表情変化を認識する敏感性を説明する要因を検討したところ、アタッチメントスタイルにおいて回避型傾向が少なく、年齢が高い方が表情変化に敏感であることが認められた。, The present study examined individual differences in perceptual sensitivity to the changes in facial expressions in relation to adult attachment and shyness. Perceptual sensitivity was found not to differ as a function of attachment orientations as represented by the four attachment styles: fearful avoidant, preoccupied, dismissive avoidant, and secure. On the other hand, differences were found in perceptual sensitivity for the shy and not-shy groups; shy individuals were found to perceive changes in facial expressions less accurately. When attachment style, shyness and age variables were considered together, shyness no longer made an unique contribution to explain perceptual sensitivity, but avoidant attachment style and subject's age were found to be significant explanatory variables for perceptual sensitivity. The implications of these findings were discussed in light of the constructs of shyness, adult attachment and also the development of perceptual sensitivity with reference to experiences during young adulthood amongst the female population.}, pages = {78--85}, title = {Perceptual sensitivity to the changes in facial expressions: individual differences in relation to shyness and adult attachment}, volume = {1}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ツジ, ヒロミ} }