@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003640, author = {川上, 正浩 and カワカミ, マサヒロ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 本研究では、野菜・果物等の名称を刺激としてストループ効果、逆ストループ効果の検討を行った。まず本実験で用いる基本色として赤、黄色、緑、茶色の4色を設定した。これら4色それぞれを典型色として持つ野菜・果物等の名称(典型色オブジェクト)を12項目、また、典型色を持たない具体物の名称(汎用色オブジェクト)を12項目選択した。そして、典型色オブジェクト名称をその典型色で呈示する刺激を典型色刺激、典型色オブジェクト名称をその典型色以外の色で呈示する刺激を非典型色刺激、汎用色オブジェクトを基本色4色のいずれかで呈示する刺激をニュートラル刺激とした。実験の結果、ストループ課題を用いた場合には、典型色オブジェクト名に対する色命名は、汎用色オブジェクト名に対する色命名に較べて遅れること、また逆ストループ課題を用いた場合には、そうした効果は認められないことが示された。, In the present study, Stroop effect and reverse-Stroop effect were examined using object names such as the vegetables and the fruits. Four colors (red, yellow, green, and brown) were set as reference colors. The objects whose typical color is determined in general (e.g., tomato and banana, etc.) are defined as "typical color objects" and on the other hand, the objects whose typical color is not determined in general (e.g., shirt and ribbon, etc.) are defined as "general color objects". Twelve names such as the vegetables and the fruits whose typical color is one of the four reference colors were selected as typical color objects. Twelve names of concrete things were selected as general color objects. Three kinds of items; typical color objects' name colored with typical color (Typical Item), typical color objects' name colored with atypical color (Atypical Item), and General Color Objects' name colored with one of four reference colors (Neutral Items), were presented to the participants. The task of the participants was to name the printed color of the stimulus (Experiment 1) or to name the printed word itself (Experiment 2). Results of the experiments showed that the color naming to the typical color objects was slower than that to the general color objects, and such effect was not observed in word naming to those objects.}, pages = {66--70}, title = {野菜・果物等の典型色によるストループ効果}, volume = {1}, year = {2011} }