@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003635, author = {武田, 雅子}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 英詩への入門として、前回「いろいろな詩の形」としてまとめたが、今回はその続編として詩に用いられる技法を取り上げた。ここでは便宜上まず、音、形、比喩、単語の並び方、内容に分類し、音に関するものとして、頭韻とオノマトペ、形に関するものとして、繰り返し、言葉の使い方に関するものとして、同じ比喩の中の直喩と隠喩を対照して、さらに擬人法、単語の並び方に関するものとして撞着語法、内容に関するものとして、誇張法とそれに相対する控えめな表現、さらにアイロニーを、それぞれ実例と共に作品の中でどう生かされているか、鑑賞の際には何に注目すべきかを解説した。技法を通して、詩を読むこと、さらには文学作品を読むことの意味と楽しみも盛り込んだ。, This is part of "An introduction to English Poetry" and a sequel to the previous paper titled, "Let's Have Some Poetry in English -Various Forms of Poetry-," published in Osaka Shoin Joshidai Ronshu Vol.47 (2010). This time, various techniques of poetry are treated. They are classified into five different aspects as sound, form, figurative expressions, arrangement of words and contents. The sound section covers alliteration and onomatopoeia; the form section covers refrain; the figurative expressions cover simile and metaphor contrasted and personification; the arrangement of words covers oxymoron; and the last one, contents, covers hyperbole and understatement contrasted and finally irony. All the items are first defined, then explained with sampler poems, clarifying how these techniques are embodied in each work, enriching and enhancing the charm of poetry. Since several poems are provided in explaining each item, these techniques can be apprehended from different points of view, thus, allowing the readers to get a deeper idea of what poetry is. All in all, what is aimed for is learning not only techniques per se, but also how to appreciate poetry, or works of literature.}, pages = {15--28}, title = {英詩入門 : いろいろな詩の技法}, volume = {1}, year = {2011}, yomi = {タケダ, マサコ} }