@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002849, author = {石川, 義之 and イシカワ, ヨシユキ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 本稿(IIを含む)は、大阪市在住の20歳代の男女を対象にした、心理的(情緒的)虐待に関するアンケート調査の単純集計結果の報告である。標本抽出法は層化2段抽出法に基づく無作為抽出法、調査方法は自計式調査票法による郵送調査法、調査期間は2004年11月~2005年3月、調査対象者2,000人に対して有効回答数147人、有効回答率7.35%であった。 本稿(IIを含む)を構成する章立ては次のようになっている。0.序論、1.調査実施の概要、2.回答者の属性、3.質問文と回答状況-単純集計-。 本稿(IIを含む)における分析から得られた知見は以下のとおりである。 1.被害経験の有無:心理的虐待の被害経験がある者の比率81.0%、ない者の比率19.0% 2.被害経験の多寡:被害経験がない者の比率19.0%、少しある者の比率41.5%、多くある者の比率39.5% 3.被害を受けた時期:子ども時代86.9%、成人期13.1% 単純集計以上の統計分析法、すなわち、カイ2乗検定、t検定、分散分析、多変量解析等による分析結果は別の機会に報告する。, This paper (includes partII)is the report of the simple classified total findings of the survey by questionnaire on psychological-emotional abuse, which was conducted on 2,000 men and women aged from 20 to 29 in Osaka. The sampling method is the stratified two step random sampling. The survey method is the postal survey by the householder method. The survey period is 2004.11~2005.3. The total of valid respondents in 2,000 is 147 people, and the rate of response availability are 7.35%. The chapters of this paper (includes partII)are 0.Introduction, 1.The outline of carrying out our survey, 2.The properties of our respondents, and 3.The questions in the questionnaire and the content of responses: the findings from simple classified total. The main findings from the simple analyses of our data are as follows: (1) the presence of absence of damage suffered by psychological-emotional abuse; the percentage of the victims of psychological-emotional abuse is 81.0% and that of the non-victims is 19.0%. (2) the quantity of damage suffered by psychological-emotional abuse; the percentage of the non-victims is 19.0%, that of victims affected by a little damage is 41.5%, and that of victims affected by a great deal of damage is 39.5%. (3) the period for which the victims suffered damage; the percentage of the victims who suffered damage in their childhood is 86.9% and that of the victims who suffered damage in their adulthood is 13.1%. We will some time later report the findings showed by the analyses beyond simple tabulation: e.g. chi-square test, t-test, analysis of variance and multivariate analysis.}, pages = {123--152}, title = {心理的虐待の実態[I] : 大阪コミュニティ調査報告書}, volume = {5}, year = {2006} }