@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002718, author = {鎌倉, 健 and カマクラ, タケシ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), 関西経済、そのなかでも中心地の大阪経済の衰退現象が随所で顕在化するもとで、その経済的、構造的要因をあきらかにするとともに、地域経済の持続的発展の可能性(Sustainable Development)について考究する。とりわけ大阪地域における雇用と所得の圧倒的部分を保障する中小企業を主体とした地域経済の再生に向け、さしあたり参考となる具体的な事例として、多種・多様な企業が集積する地域的メリットを活かした持続的なネットワーク的連携により「生き延び」をはかる企業グループ等の営為に照射をあてる。そのうえで、関西(大阪)経済再生の条件と課題をあきらかにする。, The current economic condition of Osaka, the core of Kansai regional economy, is in decline. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the economic and structural causes of this phenomenon. This paper will investigate the possibility of the sustainable development plan for the regional economy. Particular emphasis will be placed on revitalization of small and medium sized enterprises that are the largest employers, and subsequently generators of income, in the region. Special focus will be given to sufficient activities of some business groups that trying to survive through a variety of enterprises and cooperative networking models. These networks rely on regionalism and the various strengths of the variety of Enterprises and offers a potentially valuable and practical tool for rebuilding a stultified economy, through this study, the condition of Kansai regional economy can be better understood.}, pages = {173--192}, title = {関西経済に未来はあるか}, volume = {3}, year = {2004} }