@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002623, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要}, month = {Jan}, note = {P(論文), This paper attempts to investigate the self-reported acquisition of the functions, topics and situations that are predicted to be encountered in short term study abroad-home stay environments, by comparing self-reported pre-program ability with post-program self-reported acquisition. The data from two short-term study abroad-home stay programs-one of 3 weeks duration and the other of 6 weeks duration-was collected and analyzed. The study also examines whether the difference in the length of the program affects the degree of perceived language acquisition as well the types of functions, situations and language categories that were perceived to have been acquired. While the results must be interpreted in the light of the shortcomings in the survey design, and problems with the survey timing, the results indicate modest self-reported language acquisition in a limited number of individual language functions, topics and situations in the 6-week program group and greater number in the 3-week program. The lack of overall correlation between the two groups of the self-reported language items acquired leads to the conclusion that each program is unique and the language functions, topics and situations that are acquired are dependent on its participants and their interaction with the social contexts encountered.}, pages = {9--40}, title = {A Survey of Pre and Post Self-Reported Acquisition of Language Functions, Topics and Situations in Short Term Study Abroad-Home Stay Programs}, volume = {2}, year = {2003} }