@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002578, author = {菊野, 春雄 and キクノ, ハルオ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学人間科学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 4歳を移行期として幼児の心の理解が急激に発達することが, 多くの研究で報告されている(Gopnik & Astington, 1988; Mitchell, 1996,1997 : Perner et al., 1987)。また, このように4歳が心の理解の移行期になる理由について, 多くの研究で検討されている(Mitchell & Kikuno, 2000; Perner, 1991; Wimmer and Hartl, 1991)。本研究の目的は, 情報処理理論に基づいて心の理論のプロセスを解明することである。, The purpose of this study was to examine whether young children's response on the unexpected transfer task that is one of false belief tasks on the theory of mind would be interpreted based on the information processing theory. In this study the response time on the belief, the memory, and the reality question at the unexpected transfer task was measured. The result showed that the difference of the response time between the belief and the reality question was significant and that the correlation of the response time between the memory and the reality question was significant on 4-year-old children but not on 3-year-old children. These results suggest that 4-year-old children would do the different processing between the belief question and the memory and the reality question.}, pages = {69--78}, title = {4 歳になるとなぜ幼児は誤信念課題に正しく反応できるようになるのか? : 情報処理理論から見た心の理論}, volume = {1}, year = {2002} }