@article{oai:osaka-shoin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002052, author = {武田, 雅子 and タケダ, マサコ}, journal = {大阪樟蔭女子大学学芸学部論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), This is a plan for an introduction to English poetry (meaning poetry written in English, that is, English & American poetry). The first part is the summery of the book-to-be: In short, Aimed for and Objective. The second part explains how I began plannning to write this book. The third part lists items to be treated with examples in some cases: Characteristics of English poetry, sound effects, poetry forms, types of poems, technical terms, poems in the movies, relationships between poetry and arts, relationships between poetry and music, some hints to enjoy English poetry. The fourth part shows two examples of the explanations of the listed items Onomatopeia, limerick[Although the book is to be written in Japanese, the plan is in English so that it can get suggestions and ideas from native speakers of English.]}, pages = {1--5}, title = {Plan for Let's Have Some Poetry - in English!}, volume = {44}, year = {2007} }